Have you always wanted to go to a queer speed dating night? Where you can meet like-minded LGBTQ+ people, to make friends, get connected and maybe find a sexy romance?
Oh Queer Cupid is a speed dating night, which doesn't concentrate on a gender or sexuality specific structure, instead we want you all to meet, become friends, get connected and maybe you'll fancy someone!
Make friends while speed dating, then hang out and watch some of our favourite queer comedians perform stand up about dating, sex and relationships.
There’s goodie bags too, so you walk away with friends, a goody bag and a good night.
5th June 2019 @ The Apple Tree in Clerkenwell
23rd July 2019 @ Bread & Roses at The Chapel
3rd Sept 2019 @The Bread & Roses at The Chapel
17th Nov 2019 @ The Apple Tree in Clerkenwell
15th Feb 2021 @ The Apple Tree in Clerkenwell
29th Aug 2021 @ Genesis Cinema in Bethnal Green
24th April 2022 @ The Apple Tree in Clerkenwell
Can you help provide us with sponsorship to pay our comedians, for our venue and add materials to our goody bags? Please get in touch to be part of a movement of love, inclusivity and good old fashioned sexy times.